One Time Entertainment Licenses

The Entertainment Licensing Division issues one-time entertainment licenses for special events, venues without an annual entertainment license, and for annual entertainment licenses who do not have certain categories of entertainment on their annual license. These licenses are issued for a short increment of time from one day to a few months (seasonal). The licensing process is designed to ensure public events do not violate any laws or cause disruptions. Included in this dataset are also one-time carnival licenses and one-time solicitation licenses for non-profit organizations.

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Title One Time Entertainment Licenses
Type Tabular

The Entertainment Licensing Division issues one-time entertainment licenses for special events, venues without an annual entertainment license, and for annual entertainment licenses who do not have certain categories of entertainment on their annual license. These licenses are issued for a short increment of time from one day to a few months (seasonal). The licensing process is designed to ensure public events do not violate any laws or cause disruptions. Included in this dataset are also one-time carnival licenses and one-time solicitation licenses for non-profit organizations.

Released 2020-08-20
Modified 2020-08-20
Publisher City of Boston
Classification Public Record
Open Yes
Update frequency Weekly
Temporal notes
  • Economic Development
  • Permitting
Location Boston (all)
Contact point Consumer Licensing and Affairs
Contact point email [email protected]
Contact point phone number 617-635-4165
License Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL)