Boston Buildings with Roof Breaks

This dataset represents building roof outlines for all buildings in Boston. This dataset was created initially from a flyover in 2011 and is updated periodically based on the aerial imagery and LIDAR data. The layer is maintained by the BPDA GIS.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Title Boston Buildings with Roof Breaks
Type Geospatial

This dataset represents building roof outlines for all buildings in Boston. This dataset was created initially from a flyover in 2011 and is updated periodically based on the aerial imagery and LIDAR data. The layer is maintained by the BPDA GIS.

Released 2023-01-10
Modified 2024-06-30
Publisher Boston Maps
Classification Public Record
Open Yes
Contact point Analytics Team
Contact point email [email protected]
Landing page
License Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL)