Big Belly Locations

Big Belly trash receptacles are solar powered, internet connected, compacting trash receptacles that can collect up to five times as much waste as traditional bins and help the city more efficiently manage the waste collection process. This data set contains descriptions and geographic coordinates for all of the Big Belly receptacles located within the City.

Data and Resources


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Title Big Belly Locations
  • External
  • Tabular

Big Belly trash receptacles are solar powered, internet connected, compacting trash receptacles that can collect up to five times as much waste as traditional bins and help the city more efficiently manage the waste collection process. This data set contains descriptions and geographic coordinates for all of the Big Belly receptacles located within the City.

Publisher Department of Innovation and Technology
Temporal notes See description for any available information.
  • Environment
  • Public Works
Location Boston (all)
Contact point Department of Innovation and Technology
Contact point email [email protected]
License Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL)