Boston Garbage Atlas: 2014

Boston Garbage Atlas: 2014

Boston Garbage Atlas: 2014

This project, from C.C. Miller, was a winner in Track 5 (Telling a Story Through Data) of our 2017 Open Data Challenge.

"Welcome to the 2014 Boston Garbage Atlas.

"Eh - it's hardly an atlas, actually. It's just an entry into the 2017 Analyze Boston Open Data Challenge. Mapped here (temporally and spatially) are the "Big Belly" trash receptacles' calls (for help?) during and around four specific events in 2014. While no attempt was made at analysis (e.g. do Wine Rioters generate more garbage than Marathon fans?), one could, feasibly, do so. But why? Garbage is beautiful as-is."

Source code is available on GitHub.
