Non Public Schools

This point datalayer shows the locations of schools in Massachusetts. Schools appearing in this layer are those attended by students in pre-kindergarten through high school. Categories of schools include public, private, charter, collaborative programs, and approved special education. This data was originally developed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) GIS Program based on database information provided by the Massachusetts Department of Education (DOE). The update published on April 17th, 2009 was based on listings MassGIS obtained from the DOE as of February 9th, 2009. The layer is stored in ArcSDE and distributed as SCHOOLS_PT. Only schools located in Massachusetts are included in this layer. The DOE also provides a listing of out-of-state schools open to Massachusetts' residents, particularly for those with special learning requirements. Please see for details. Updated September 2018.

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Additional Info

Title Non Public Schools
Type Geospatial

This point datalayer shows the locations of schools in Massachusetts. Schools appearing in this layer are those attended by students in pre-kindergarten through high school. Categories of schools include public, private, charter, collaborative programs, and approved special education. This data was originally developed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) GIS Program based on database information provided by the Massachusetts Department of Education (DOE). The update published on April 17th, 2009 was based on listings MassGIS obtained from the DOE as of February 9th, 2009. The layer is stored in ArcSDE and distributed as SCHOOLS_PT. Only schools located in Massachusetts are included in this layer. The DOE also provides a listing of out-of-state schools open to Massachusetts' residents, particularly for those with special learning requirements. Please see for details. Updated September 2018.

Released 2015-06-04
Modified 2023-12-18
Publisher Boston Maps
Classification Public Record
Open Yes
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License Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL)