Economic Indicators

The Boston Planning and Redevelopment Authority (BPDA), formerly known as the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA), is tasked with planning for and guiding inclusive growth within the City of Boston. As part of this mission, BPDA collects and analyzes a variety of economic data relating to topics such as the employment, housing, travel, and real estate development. This is a legacy dataset of economic idicators tracked monthly between January2013 and December 2019 .

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Additional Info

Title Economic Indicators
Type Tabular

The Boston Planning and Redevelopment Authority (BPDA), formerly known as the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA), is tasked with planning for and guiding inclusive growth within the City of Boston. As part of this mission, BPDA collects and analyzes a variety of economic data relating to topics such as the employment, housing, travel, and real estate development. This is a legacy dataset of economic idicators tracked monthly between January2013 and December 2019 .

Publisher Department of Innovation and Technology
Temporal notes Economic indicators in this dataset are tracked from January 2013 to December 2019.
Theme Economic Development
Location Boston (all)
Contact point Boston Planning & Development Agency
Contact point email [email protected]
License Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL)